fake rolex

Digital Wraps
Here at G Dezine Wraps we are passionate about Vehicle Wraps. We should, since this is 100% of our business. We are not a "Sign Shop" that occasionally attempts to do a vehicle wraps, we are a Full Service Professional Vehicle Wrap Shop designing, printing, and installing Vehicle Wraps on Long Island 7 days a week! Our goal is to help grow your business through Vehicle Advertising. There are many reasons why G Dezine Wraps is Long Island's #1 Source for Vehicle Wraps...here are the 3 elements to a vehicle wrap that separate us from the "sign shops":
We have a staff of award winning professional designers that do nothing else but Design Vehicle Wraps! Unlike most sign shops that have staff that are "Jack of All Trades, Master of None"...where one minute they are banner maker, sign maker, neon bender, then sits at a computer to attempt to design a wrap...where as we have dedicated designers designing our wraps. And our designs speak for themselves when you compare them to "Sign Shop Style" graphics. Just like in any business, there are thousand ways to do something wrong or "half assed", and one way to do it right. This is our philosophy with the design process. Do it right or don't do it at all, and by "right" we mean an effective design to grow your business. There are no shortage of so called wrap shops putting together a puke fest of "out of the box" colorful clipart and misplaced pictures on it with some logos. You end up with color, and admittedly sometimes very cool looking graphics, but they do nothing to grow your business. The design is too busy, and when consumers drive next to you, they don't know what your business does, then they lose attention and you lost a potential client.
Our staff are trained marketing experts that will design your company a vehicle wrap that upon consumers seeing it, will be intrigued to know more about your business, and then call or email for an inquiring into to what you have to offer them. Our thousands of repeat clients over our 13 years of vehicle graphic experience will prove our designs will make you money!
We use state of the art printing methods insuring crystal clear high resolution printing. The result is life like reproduction of the graphics we design for you. Like you in your business, we only use the best materials that our industry has to offer. We would rather lose the job then to use inferior materials to "get the job" for a price shopping client.

Our staff of dedicated vehicle installers will install your newly designed, and printed graphics with care to insure a perfect installation. But as with any good installation, quality is only guaranteed with proper preparation and cleaning of the vehicle. This is yet another reason that we are superior to the "sign shops". We spend hours using cleaning agents and good old fashion scrubbing in every crevice of the vehicle to make a surface so clean you can eat off it. Most shops will just scrub the vehicle with soap and rinse and call it a day. We use a proprietary 5 step cleaning system developed by our owner (who is meticulous about cleaning his personal vehicles) using professional grade chemicals to completely remove all traces of dirt and grease from the vehicle surface.
Once cleaned the wrap can begin. Our installation are so good most people are fooled in thinking the graphics are painted on. Compare this to the sign shop wrap that just looks like big sheets of stickers stuck to the vehicle. Believe us when we say, there is a difference in installation techniques. Stop by anytime to see a wrap in progress, we love to show off our wrap skills to potential clients. Try to stand over the shoulder of the "sign shop" guy sweating it out trying to slap a wrap on a vehicle and see what happens...it will not be pretty!